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Refund and Returns Policy

How to make a return

  1. Email or call us on 07922 887 911 with your order number to hand
  2. Return the unworn garments to us in their original packaging
  3. Add a note with your parcel explaining (exchange / Faulty / Refund) with your Order Number, Name, Email, Phone Number | Exchange | Refund
  4. Leave the rest to us! We’ll provide a full refund to your original payment method within 5 working days of receiving the returned items.

If we cannot accept a return

  • You have 28 days from receiving your order to request a return. Once this period has passed, items cannot be returned unless faulty.
  • The cost of delivery, packaging and insurance to return the goods will be borne by you and the goods must be received by us in perfect condition and in their original packaging.
  • The cost of delivering the goods will be deducted from any refund.
  • All order cancellations or returns must be notified to us by email only. If you wish to cancel or return goods please email
  • The cost of delivery, packaging and insurance to return the goods will be borne by you and the goods must be received by us in perfect condition and in their original packaging.
  • The cost of delivering the goods will be deducted from any refund.
  • If the goods are not received back in perfect condition and in their original packaging, Number Plate Genie reserve the right not to accept the goods at our warehouse and/or not to issue a refund or credit. Any costs to re-deliver the goods will incur a further delivery charge which will be payable in advance by the customer.

Our returns address is 

2B Seymour Street Off Pilsworth Road Heywood OL10 3BP

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